Friday, February 25, 2011


Candido Portinari (December 29, 1903 - February 6, 1962) was one of the most important Brazilian painters and also a prominent and influential practitioner of the neo-realism style in painting.Born to Italian immigrants Giovan Battista Portinari and Domenica Torquato, in a coffee plantation near Brodowski, in São Paulo, Portinari studied at the Escola Nacional de Belas Artes (ENBA) in Rio de Janeiro. In 1928 he won a gold medal at the ENBA and a trip to Paris where he stayed until 1930, when he returned to Brazil.He joined the Brazilian Communist Party and stood for senator in 1947 but had to flee Brazil for Uruguay due to the persecution of Communists. He returned to Brazil in 1951 but suffered ill health during the last decade of his life and died in Rio de Janeiro in 1962 of lead poisoning from his paints.
 READ MORE: WIKIPEDIA - The Free Encyclopedia

Menino Sentado Oil on Canvas 1945 18x15 in

Return From The Fair 1940 oil on canvas 40x32
Cavalos circa 1951 guache card board 30x40cm

Study Discovery of the Land mural Guerra e Paz United States Library of the Congress



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